Monday, May 24, 2010

Quilts for Kids

Downy, the fabric softener people,have started a wonderful program called Touch of Comfort.  This program was created to sponsor the making of 10,000 quilts for the Quilts for Kids charity.  Downy will donate $0.10 for every specially marked bottle sold and Quilts for Kids uses the funds to defray the cost of their work.

One of the neatest things is that you can request one or more quilt kits from Quilts for Kids' national heaquarters and all you would need to provide is the batting.

Locally, a long arm quilter had her weekly quilt group make up a bunch of the tops which she then quilted, bound and sent back to the national headquarters.  With all the fabric well corrdinated with the patterns provided all the hard work was done so the quilters just needed to sew.

Many cities have Quilts for Kids groups and there is even one run through a local quilt shop in Houston - Quiltworks.

I love this whole concept. 

I have worked with groups that are sponsored by my local quilt guild to make quilts for kids and I can't think of a simpler way to put a smile on some  sick child's face. 

Heck, when I had pneumonia a couple of years ago one of the first things I asked to be brought to the hospital was one of my quilts and it certainly made me feel better.

Check out the Quilts for Kids organization and see if you can help out with this great cause.

While you are doing that I will be finishing up about ten quilts from the Kingwood Quilt Guild's Kwilts for Kids program so we can continue to spread a little love. 

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