Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Vietnamese Bib

My younger brother's work in South Korea is almost over. 

I have really benefited with him being there with the wonderful textiles bits he brought me last Summer. 

Recently he and a friend made a grand tour of other Asian countries and sent me this wonderfully hand-crafted bib from Viet Nam.

The white design is handwork while the red braid appears to be machine made.  The shiny neck bit has little bells hanging on it while the two rectangular pieces are sewn to the bib only on one side.

I see a baby wearing this bib and being entertained all day chewing on the neck bit, jiggling the bells and trying the tear off the rectangular pieces.

I do not see a child wearing this while eating! 

I currently have it hanging in Sweet Sadie's and several customers have asked about it agreed that it would distract a baby for many moments.

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