Monday, April 26, 2010


This past Saturday the Saturday Strippers met to experiment with sewing baskets.

Yep, sewing not weaving.

The process if pretty basic... take some clothesline, cover it in fabric, coil the result and zig zag it together.

Pretty straight forward HOWEVER there were five of us working on this and all of us ended up with a different take on how to do the actual covering and sewing together.

Check out these two bowls:

Both of these were created by covering the clothesline with 2  1/2" strips of fabirc by folding the fabric over the rope.  In the bowl on the left all the raw edges were left exposed while the bowl on the right (mine) folded the raw edges so that they were enclosed.

These coasters were created two differents ways.

The two on the left and bottom were made by wrapping narrow strips of fabric (about 1/2 - 3/4" wide), on an angle around the rope so that the raw edges were exposed.  The one on the upper right was made by sewing 1 1/4" strips of fabric onto the rope, the seam trimmed, then the closely covered rope coiled and sewn down. 

Similar looks but different processes.

This one was made in a beautifully controlled manner.

2 1/2" strips of fabric were first pressed the long way with right sides together.  Then raw edges were folded into the iddle and pressed again.  Then the cord placed into this little packet and sewn down.  Then the whole strip was coiled and sewn into this mat.  It will eventually become a basket/bowl.

So there you have it.

Five people, five variations, five great results.

If you are intrigued by this process, here are a few links that you might find useful:

Also, here is the link to my first attempt at this process using the Bali Bags pattern which yielded a very different result.

What a great way to use up some left over bits of fabric and to get a usuable result.

Have a good week!

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