Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Women on a Mission

The Once Upon a Time Bee met on Monday evening to make diaper covers/soakers for The Cloth Diaper Foundation. This group provides cloth diapering supplies to women who otherwise would probably not use cloth diapers with their children. Though the debate continues on how enviromentaly sound cloth diapering is, I, for one, believe that they are better than all the plastic, water tight, air tight disposables out there.
One of our group pre-cut almost a hundred soakers though we only completed 31 last night. We used a variety of patterned and solid color fleece. Here is a link to a site that has instructions on how to make them. There are lots of other sites out there for all sorts of cloth diapering sewing and it appears to me that all of them would make great gifts for new moms.

Here's how some of ours turned out:

Don't they just make you want to break out in song.."you put your right foot in, you put your right foot out..."

Here they are stacked up waiting for their size labels.

If you are one of those people out there will a huge stash of fleece yardage, this project is great way to recycle it into something useful for the benfit of Moms everywhere.

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