Saturday, February 20, 2010

More Charlotte Angotti Quilt

At the International Quilt Festival this past year I took a class with Charlotte Angotti called 'Let me Surprise you.. More!'. In general, Charlotte creates mystery quilts for the Quilt Festival. You sign up for the class and show up with, maybe, a pair of thread snips. The kits are pre-cut and you get to spend the day putting the bits together into most of a quilt top. She also offers add-on kits to make the generally, twin size quilts, into much larger quilts.

I've written about this quilt before here where I gave you a preview of four of the blocks. I've now put the top together and I have no idea how to proceed.


It looks pretty good even if it is very wrinkled but I think it needs a framing border or something more than just a thin strip of binding to bring it all together.

Paul has suggested a completely different color, canary yellow as a frame, a friend has suggested a white border, someone else a stripe like in the bottom left hand corner block, and others a lot more of the pink.

At 72" x 72" it's a pretty good size but should be 84" x 84" to be a standard double/queen size.

If you have any ideas please let me know otherwise I will keep hauling this around with me to Quilt shops until something strikes my fancy.

BTW - that lower left hand bottom block with all the stripe in it is because you only get exactly what you need to complete the quilt top. If you mess up a couple peices or loose them in your sewing room or Alex rips them up (not in this case...I think) then you must buy additional fabric or work around it. I decided to work aorund the problem by filling in the empty space with the stripe which I will quilt with my label information.


  1. You could always find the green that is in the blocks to use as a border - or find a green with pink...

  2. I love Charlott's classes and have taken a few of them. I messed up on one of her kits and she had extra fabric she sent to me. If you had contacted her you might have been able to get some to fix that bottom block.
    What about black for you border?

  3. Very pretty - I like the design and the colors!

  4. This is a beautiful quilt. My opinion on finishing is doing a 4 1/2"(unfinished, 4" finished) first border in green, 2 1/2" (unfinished)2nd border in white, and a 6 1/2(unfinished) inch 3rd border in pink. Complete it with a green binding. You might want to mimic the circles by quilting cirlces in the 3rd border. Again, it is gorgeous!

  5. I believe everything looks good in red.
