Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Best Dog Toy - Final

The concept of a toy consisting of a cloth cover over a plastic bottle remains high on my list as a perfect toy for Alex, however, the results of my many experiments continue to be destroyed with great regularity.

To re-cap .. make a tube of fabric to go around an empty water bottle, close the top and bottom of the tube, add any embellishments you want, let dog play with toy until it disintegrates.

The following fabrics have been tried - cotton, canvas, duck cloth, pre-quilted cotton, silk dupioni ( nothing's too good for Alex!), woven wool, wool felt, hand knitting, crochet and cotton interlock knit.

In every case, before twelve hours had passed, Alex has managed to chew through all of them and got the bottle out of the fabric surrounding it.

I have given up, for now, until kevlar becomes available to the home sewer.

Until then, Alex has a bunch of empty fabric tubes that he is using to try to teach me how to play fetch.

Have a great weekend!

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