Friday, January 1, 2010

Starbucks Socks

After I finished the Humphrey Bogart Socks I looked through my yarn stash and found some sock yarn that I had forgotten I owned.

Although I had just finished a pair of socks, I started on a new pair using the yarn I had rediscovered.

That was a few days ago.

Today was knitting at Starbucks with a friend. We go to the local Starbicks most Friday mornings to get in a little gossip and a little knitting.

Today, I took my socks with only 5 rows left to complete the second one of the pair.

It was also pretty cold out and my feet were frozen by the time I had ordered my coffee.

I finished my pair of socks and tried them on.

Almost a mistake... almost as I took a chance that they would fit....BUT not a mistake in that my feet became nice and cozy.

So, here they are, my Starbucks socks keeping my feet nice and cozy.

The yarn is Berrocco Comfort Socks Yarn, a 50% wool, 50% acrylic blend that should wash very nicely. There are two problems with this yarn. One is that is splits easily especially when you are using little tiny size 0 needles. The second problem is that that were a lot of breaks in the yarn. The first sock has one knot in it while the second sock has FIVE knots in it.

I hope your 2010 will be nice and cozy ... like my new socks.

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