Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Too Much of a Good Thing

When looking for UFOS to finish up before the end of the year I came across a project that I thought had great potential and decided to complete it.

I must have been drunk.

The project came from a class with Gabrielle Swain back in June 2008. If you go to that post you can hear me gushing about what a wonderful class it was and how excited I was about my work that day.

A year and a half later I finally go far enough along in the project that I can see that my joy was entirely misplaced.

What I have come up with is butt ugly because, although the design was good, my over-use of hand dyed fabrics makes the whole composition muddy. I should have added some plainer fabrics, at least for the background.

What do you think? Does this look like two leaves, one behind the other?

Ugly... right?

I don't think there is anything I can do to make it better so I am folding it up into a very small packet and filing it away in the back of a drawer behind a lot of beautiful hand-dyed fabircs where it may not see the light of day before the end of this century.

Next time I try an 'art' piece I will try to restrain myself and add some plainer fabrics to the mix otherwise I will have too much of a good thing...again!.
BTW, the fabric is from Judy Robertson of Just Imagination. If you go to her site you can see wonderful quilts made completely with her fabrics with much more pleasing results.

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