Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In the Mail

I'm in a new swap called 'Fat Quarter Swap with a Twist'. It is a small group and, essentially, each month has a theme, you and your partner swap a small number of fat quarters geared to the theme plus a couple of other requirments. For October, the theme was Autumn, the other items were something hand made that your partner would like and a sewing notion or two.

I have not sent my package off yet as I was waiting for the Quilt Festival to see if anything jumped out at me, however, my partner from Britain did send hers to me and I received it yesterday.

Here's all the loot she sent:

The whole package included fabrics, threads, rick rack, ribbons, buttons, felt flowers, ribbon, a Guterman tin, a small jar, an address book, a medium Moleskine notebook, little clothes pins and a wonderful Lavender sachet. All of it fit into a wonderful Royal Mail shipping box that I can't wait to re-purpose. Thank you sazziej for a wonderful swap. Mine back to you should be in the mail by the beginning of next week.

The interesting thing about the box is that it had vent holes in it so you could actually see the wrapped packages inside. In general, that woud be a bad thing, especially when you are sending parcels where two inchies of rain or more in a day can occur at this time of year. In this case, someone was looking out for this parcel as it arrived between rain storms without a drop of wetness marring its pristine contents.

Now to rest up for more Quilt Show trolling!

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