Sunday, September 6, 2009

The September Issue

Every Year Vogue magazine puts put a huge issue in September showing all the best for the fall/winter season. I mean this baby is huge. Two years ago they put out one that was well over 800 pages. This year's was just over 500.

How things have changed.

The 2007 issue was so fabulous that I wrote a whole posting on it here. This year's is notable not for the clothes but for the articles. There was a book excerpt on being a prisoner in Iran, another on a wife's reaction to her husband's very public infidelity and a wacky one on exercises needed before you start wearing eight inch stillettos from Nine Ricci.

On the fashion front, the clothes were forgettable, the shoes are mostly ugly and unwearable, the purses can hold enough for a four day weekend and the boots look like hip waders. Not that all the shoes are ugly, the purses too big or the boots meant for fishing but that was just my overall impression.

There was one particularly weird pair of shoes that I can't seem to find a picture of on-line that I will now attempt to describe for you. Think of a typical Timberland style workboot, add a five inch wooden stilletto, replace the leather laces with cotton ones, the heavy leather uppers with crocidile patent leather and then remove the steel toe so your manicure will show. Can you even imagine anyone wearing something like this anywhere, anytime for any reason?

Two note worthy things did come out of this issue that I think you might want to take note of this season.

First of all there is a documentary movie in limited release right now of how the 2007 September Vogue issue was produced. I haven't seen it, just snippets, but it seems to be extremely well done and I am looking forward to seeing the whole thing.

Secondly, in a slightly disturbing sign of the times, September 10 has been declared as Fashion's Night Out. All over New York City stores are having shopping specials and many stores will be open until 11:00 PM. There will also be collection points to gather clothing for many needy causes. There will be special T-shirts on sale where about 40% of the proceeds will go to the national September 11 Memorial & museum at the World Trade Center.

One part about the shopping thing that I find particularly fun is that you can go to Barney's in New York and not only window shop but you also learn to knit. How cool is that?

On the other hand, I find it disturbing that fashionistas in NYC need a reason to go shopping. I'm in Houston and I don't need an excuse.

For a different look at the world go out and get a copy of Vogue magazine, or better yet, subscribe. At about $12.00 a year it is definitely a best buy and a very fun thing to find in your mail box every month.

I hope your weekend has been going well and that all you laborers out there will enjoy your day off tomorrow.

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