Saturday, September 19, 2009

Autumn is in the air

Just a little, but it is definitely there.

Some leaves are beginning to fall, though most won't, I got to wear jeans without sweating the other morning to walk the dogs and run some errands, and I am turning into Martha Stewart for a few days.

Martha Stewart?


I have had a revelation.

When the seasons turn, I turn into an imitation Martha Stewart for a few days.

Like, I carried a market type basket with me from room to room today as I collected, sorted, put away and disposed of random things that were scattered around. Not for long mind you, but I caught myself doing it this afternoon.

And then I found myself a couple of times through the day going out into the front garden to pull weeds. Just a few minutes at a time and by the end of the day the garden was weeded. How Martha (or even Fly Lady) is that?

To top it off my kitchen table, the home of everything that I can never find is now empty of all random bits of paper, empty packets of stuff and old receipts... so clean I can actually eat off it ... with room for other people to join me in an actual home cooked meal... which I made tonight .....which included grilled lamb chops......

Stop me!


before I start saying things like...

it's a good thing....

or start pronouncing herbs with the 'H'.

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