Thursday, August 13, 2009

X Marks the Spot

Instead of working on my clutter pile the other night I decided to finish up the project from the Michele Watts class I mentioned a couple of days ago. Of course, I could have turned this project into a full size quilt but I just couldn't see myself appliqueing enough blocks for a whole quilt.

Anyway, here is how it came out:

I now need to find a good place to hang it.

If I had a wall safe I would hang it in front of the safe instead of a zillion dollar painting. I don't have a wall safe, or a zillion dollar painting either, so I guess it will go in front of some flaw in the wall where the paint is a little uneven or where a nail has popped out of the dry wall.
My clutter is still in a pile but I didn't add to it with this project... a good thing in my book.

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