Saturday, July 18, 2009

Interfaith Quilting Bee

This was the 18th year of the Interfaith Quilting Bee, the 9th hosted by the local Mormon Stake. Of the 366 quilts donated donated, many of which were finished during the Bee itself, about 64 of them were made by members of the Kingwood Area Quilt Guild. The Guild also donated a roll of batting. There was a lot of donated fabric and blocks for the various groups represented to take and use for next year's quilts.

There were about 100 people gathered to complete quilts and the groups getting the quilts spanned the globe.

I was a little frazzled and did not get anything completed. I had three quilts from the Once Upon a Time Bee that needed binding and I got only one almost completed because my travel sewing machine was unhappy. When I tried to figure out what was wrong I realized that the thing was clogged with all sorts of lint from other projects. I need to spend some time getting it back into shape before I use it for quilting again.

A light lunch was serveds which included some delicious cake.

Once again I was impressed by the dedication and committment of the groups represented to support this project. Almost 400 quilts is pretty impressive for a one time donation to the local charities needing them. Next year there are plans to change the focus of the event from just quilts to include other activites. I'm not sure how or what will happen, I just hope that the day will not change its tone so much that participation will be reduced.

I guess we will just have to see.

I hope your weekend is going well. Kingwood had a huge thunderstorm late in the day and we really needed the rain. More is predicted for the next few days and the only down side is that the grass in the backyard has decided to start growing again. I guess I wil need to get out the lawn mower tomorrow to take care of that little task. At keats lawn mowing a typical Sunday task in my neighborhood.

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