Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wheelchair Bags - Update

Last Monday the Once Upon a Time Bee of the KAQG met to make wheelchair bags for donating tothe local VA hospital this Fall. Only two of us showed up to sew because all of the others were on the road to various other places like San Antonio or Kentucky. Anyhow, using a bunch of orphan blocks that had been in the stash of Bee Charitable, the indominatbale Ms. J. and I made four bags and took a couple more home to finish them up.

Aren't they gorgeous!
In some of the bags the orphan block became the pocket while in some of them the pocket was left out and the block became one side of the bag. In case you missed, it the instructions are here.
I hope I get a chance to make a few more using the orphan blocks as they add a nice touch to these otherwise utilitarian bags.

Have a great week!

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