Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dogs on Thursday... Sort of

Alex and the Girls joined me this morning when I was trying to get pictures of my recent forays into knitting.
First up are the two little baby hats I made out of left over sock yarn. Here's a shot of them with Kelis trying to hog the spot light.
The pattern is super simple and is a variation on a pattern published by Black Purl Patterns called Sock it to Me Baby. The variation I used was to make it in the round rather than using straight needles as in the pattern so I did not have to mess with joining a seam or purling half the stiches in the body of the hat. What I particullary liked was the finishing for the top of the hat. Instead of just joining the remaining stitches with the last of the yarn and burying the yarn in the hat, this pattern has you continue at the top of the hat into a three stitch I-Cord for a couple of inches, bury the remaining yarn into the cord and tie the cord into a knot. Very cute and very clever for a very neat finish.

Alex and Kemora had to try on these hats but really didn't like their ears gathered up in the hat. So Cute! (okay, so they look like they are being totured but still pretty cute)

I really meant to take pictures of the latest socks...8 & 9 respectively. Finally, after four pairs of socks using the same pattern, I completed a pair that have exacty the same number of rows for the legs and feet as well as I followed all of the instructions for the heels, gussetts and toes. The yarn was from J. Knits super wash wool sock yarn dyed in a color they called Rhode Island. They are super soft and comfy and washed and machine dryed beautifully.
And here are some shots of Alex and the Girls looking to get their pictures taken. For some reason I can never get them to pose nicely, instead they like to position themselves mid-frame to lick themselves, sniff the camera or look yearningly for, another, belly scratch.


  1. your babies are absolutely adorable! i wish i could give each a big kiss! good job on the knitting. i tried to teach myself once and it was a miserable failure!

  2. They make wonderful models. If you ever figure out how to make them post nicely, please let me know the secret.

  3. We used to have a Herbie like your black one, and a Heidi who was red.
    Three black ones live next door, and love to bark at our Thor, who just sits down and ignores them. Dachsunds are a nice breed, and yours are very handsome!

  4. Wonderful job on the knits! I have had a tea cosy on the needles for a's summer...hard to sit down long enough to knit! And your pups look gorgeous trying them on for you! Such sweeties!

  5. Those have got to be the cutest little hat models ever!

    I bet they shook the hats off seconds after the picture snapped. :O)
