Saturday, June 13, 2009

Crazy Nine Patch Frenzy

The Interfaith Quilting Bee is coming up in a month or so and I had the priviledge of showing about 40 people how to put together the block for this year - the Crazy Nine Patch. Each year a quilt block is chosen as the theme for the year's quilting activity. If you participate you do not need to use the designated block but it is always fun to see how different people use it in their creations.

I presented it to a mothers and daughters activity group on Wednesday night. We only had an hour and a half which was enough time for people to start on their blocks and one experienced quilter finished a wheelchair sized quilt top in the time alloted.

Here are some photos from the time we spent together

I am looking forward to this year's bee as I expect to see at least a couple of the quilt tops started on Wednesday ready to be quilted.

BTW - that stack of fabric in the first picture is all from Indonesia, original batiks that the owner bought for $2.50 a meter. I am so envious! Apparently she had a choice of over 50 meters a month to choose from and I have a feeling that she brought most of it home. The fabirc is of extremely high quality and I expect to see a quilt top or two from her and her sewing goup of six girls that meet at her home.

I hope your weekend is going well. I am going out soon to a WWKIP (World Wide Knit In Public) event down in the Heights. Although I knit in public with friends most Friday's at a local Starbucks it will be fun to spend some time with knitters I don't know. You never know but I might meet someone who understands the ins and outs of knitting socks two at a time. I have looked at several books on that technique but its all gibberish to me.

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