Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sweet Tea and Lemonade

That's the name of a Charlotte Angotti kit I picked up a few years ago. I bought it intending to make it into a full size bed quilt for my bed as the background almost matched the color of my walls. It did not turn out that way as there are a couple of home truths I forgot in my ambitous planning. For instance, if you buy a twin size quilt kit, first offerd many years ago, you will be unable to find enough matching current fabrics to stretch the twin to a queen size quilt. Another truth is that you should really, really like the blocks you will be making to do a queen size quilt. I could not find enough curent fabrics to stretch it to queen size and, after only six blocks, I hated making the blocks.

It is now hanging on my bedroom wall where every day it reminds me of these home truths. Here is how it came out:
Why only the top half? Well, there is a huge wrinkle on the top of the quilt from my quilting. The weird thing is that most wrinkles from quilting come on the back of the quilt. Trust me to find a new way to wreck an otherwise acceptable quilt. Here is the bottom half:
See that wrinkle? It makes the whole quilt hang a little crookedly but, be assured, that the rod is hanging straight as Paul did it. Here is the whole picture I see every day:
One thing I do notice now that it is done is that lower left hand basket does not stand out from the back ground as I thought it would.
Lessons learned:
  • current fabrics do not match older fabrics
  • you must like making the blocks before making tons of them
  • you can wrinkle the top of a quilt when quilting
  • value really does count when using pastels

I hope your weekend is going well. Personally I am working on a project that may never make it into this blog and trying to complete all the finishing touches for a sweater I started last fall but completed knitting just this morning. Now that it is regularly in the nineties here my attempts at gardening have been curtailed until I get used to the new norm. Have a great weekend!

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