Wednesday, April 22, 2009

After the Storm

Besides hearing that all the streets in my neighborhood, except mine, were flooded and that we got between 5 and 8 inches of rain, the big two day storm did not have much of an impact on me EXCEPT that my internet connection went down for about four days. I forget how much I enjoy having this access available to me 24/7. Not only did I not see my e-mail or do any blog entries but my Chumby would not update and my Kindle would not update the daily news paper subsciption that I have. Of course,there was some good news - the weeds and grass enjoyed all the rain and Houston's rainfall deficit is down to about a quarter of a inch. I guess its time to get out the lawn mower again.

I did not, as promised, spend the whole time working on fixing my sweater disaster. Here is a photo showing my problem.
And another of the perfect grafting stitches I have to remove.

After two days of staying in, I did not take out more than about a dozen stitches and instead started on my second pair of socks. My first pair ended up being just one sock that looked like it would fit someone with many foot defromities. This pair is turning out better and I hope to have one done soon.

Wish me luck!

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