Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So Long Craft

Craft, one my favorite magazines, has decided to call it quits after only ten issues. The publisher has another magazine (Make) which has been around for a while and the publisher says that articles contracted for Craft will be available in Make. I was a Make subscriber for a year and found most of the material completely useless and uninteresting to me like how to make skittles floavored Vodka or complex open source technology updates for my cell phone ... who cares!?! Craft was something I read cover to cover each time it arrived in the mail box. Sometimes there were technology related articles but they made sense to me like installing LEDS in a tank top but they also had articles I could easily relate to like how to make a fat quarter friendly kimono style jacket. Heck, one of the staff even reviewed the Sanda Betzina sewing school in San Francisco. I'm not sure if I will shift my subscripiton to Make and see if Craft type articiles will negate the other stuff or ask for my money back. Which ever I choose I know I won't be happy. Rats!

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