Wednesday, January 28, 2009

He's Home

Alex made it home today from the vet's after two days of morphine, many different drugs and lots of IV fluids. We are still not sure why he started vomitng and pooping blood but all the tests did not show any permanent problem so I am left with his eating of the Wizard of Oz toy from McDanalds. Unfortunatey one of the tests showed that he was carrying Giardia parasites, so now, on top of his three sets of pills for his initial problem he, and the girls, are now on another drug. Since he is now on soft canned food, everybody is on it until I can get him back on solid food. If they weren't all on the yucky canned stuff I know that at meal times I would be playing cop trying to prevent him from eating the girls's food. Such a small problem in the grand scheme of things!

Now I can get back to sorting things for the quilt show Fish Pond (Garage Sale) without any guilt.

Have a good evening!

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