Saturday, January 24, 2009

And a good time was had by all

Yesterday I played hooky and joined 12 others in a bus trip to San Antonio to attend the Sewing and Creative Inspiration show. This is a small show with about 15 vendors as well as several national teachers. I was glad to see Kathy Ruddy, Linda McGehee, Patty Dunn and Barbara Crawford all offerng great little seminars/trunk shows.

I did a hands-on workshop with Barbara Crawford on hand needle felting. Although I didn't stay for the full workshop (little bits of wool flying through air does not help the allergies) I did learn how to hand needle felt which was a new-to-me technique. Patty Dunn's trunk show on creative trims was very, very enjoyable. What that girl can do with a bit of yarn or ribbon was a little mind-blowing. One of my friends saw a very neat trick from Linda McGehee. Linda pieces fabric together with the seams on the outside and joined by her serger in a rolled hem stitch. In her serger she puts two peices of metallic wooly nylon in the upper looper and regular thread in the lower looper and right hand needle. Its a great effect and I will have to try it out.

This was a very inexpensive day for me as the bus was free, admission to the show was only $6.00 (group rate) and there wasn't all that musch I wanted to buy. I picked up some Rizi zippers (the kind used for zipper based necklaces) and a wonderful purse handle. The mall that hosted the show was pretty empty but with both JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby in close proximity I did manage to fill up my tote bag with some glorious yarn. Stein Mart was also in the same mall but I resisted the temptation to shop there. Stein Mart always seems to pick my pocket when I shop there because of their great selection of shoes and accessories, not to mention great clothes... all at discounted pricing.

Although the bus ride was long, three and a half hours each way, I got to spend some good time with a couple of ASG friends solving all the problems in the world. I had intended to spend a lot of time knitting on one of my sweater projects but, even though I brought all my yarns and needles, I forgot the pattern. I ended up knitting some more book mark for the kids and a cell phone cozy, our latest middle school project.

If you ever have a chance to go to San Antono when this show is on I think you would enjoy it. The local ASG chapter may do this bus trip again next year and I hope I will have the opportunity to go again just to see what these talented teachers can come up with to keep us all sewing.

I hope your weekend is going well. It is so gloomy here that I made a date with a friend to go out to lunch just to brighten the day with some good food and conversation. If only all problems good be solved that way!

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