Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Duds

I try to walk the dogs at least twice a day when they are here. Sometimes that may mean just making it to the end of the driveway, other times we explore the whole neighborhood. One thing that can make these walks unpleasant is when one of the dogs slips his or her collar. This drives me nuts as I try to keep the collars snug enough that they won't slip them BUT my darling son insists on keeping the collars loose enough that you can pass a small Mac truck between the collar and their neck without any constriction. Instead of continuing to grumble I decided to buy them all harnesses for their walks.

I was hesitant to do this as when Alex was rescued the vet reported that he was in a harness and it had grown into his skin. YUCK! I tried him on one earlier and although he tolerated it quite well it just didn't fit right. This time I decided to go to some experts. The staff at Pampered Paws in Kingwood were absolutely terrific with the three terrors. Kimora slipped her collar immeadiately on entering the store while Alex became completely attached to a fuzzy pink pillow. Kelis just wanted to go home.

Here they are in the front hall with their new Dogo brand harnesses:
By the way... their leashes are hanging off the top hinge of my front door.... a great place to store their leashes and a great way to corral them in until I get everyone ready for a walk.

These are great accessories and do not restrict their movement in any way. I also like the idea that there is a quick release clasp so its relatively easy to get the harnesses on and off. The added bonus is that this is a better way for them to walk without damaging their backs. I am particularly pleased that these appear to be easy to repair if they become damaged. And, as if this is not enough, the harnesses work perfectly with thier winter coats.

By the way - if you have a dog and want a wierd gift... more for yourself than them... then check this out. A dear friend gave me one of these for Christmas and Alex is trying it out right now. I hope I get some fun shots!

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