Saturday, December 6, 2008

In the Mail

The fifth round of the Doll Quilt Swap is over for me. I received a beautiful New York Beauty quilt that was the first attempt by my partner at doing paper piecing. I don't think I would have the patience to paper piece this type of intricate block. Isn't it neat?
I sent off my quilt the other day and it is going far away to where snow is a four letter word. The quilt was based on a snowball block and is called Twisted Rope. What do you think?
I had a lot of fun this time making my quilt as I used a new book that I got through as the basis for my quilt. The book is called Patchwork 1030 and has 1,030 quilt blocks in it. The layout is terrific and you don't need to know Japanese to get acceptable results. Each block is illustrated in line drawings four times. The first is illustrated in grey scale so you have an idea of how many values of fabric you need. Beside the drawing of each block is a slightly exploded view showing you how to assemble the block, then another view showing the back of the block so you can see how to iron the seams and the final illustration shows you the size relationships of each of the pieces. Here is a pretty crappy picture of one page.
This is a great book for bathroom reading as it requires no concentration but gives you plenty ideas for future quilting adventures and we all need more ideas for quilts... right?

I hope your weekend is going well. I am off to my last annual meeting of the Houston Chapter of the American Sewing Guild as their Treasurer. Although the chapter has over 400 members the treasurer's job is very straight forward. I will not miss the job but I will miss the board meetings and all the friendships I have made with other board members over the past four years. I know the new treasurer will enjoy the job and I intend to leave her a clean set of books.

Enough nostalgia... onto my annual report!

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