Friday, November 21, 2008

Quilters Newsletter

Quilters Newsletter is a magazine that has been around since dirt was created. It covers all types of quilting and gives a great overview of what's going on n the quilting world. A couple of features that I like are their 'Sewing Bee' which features quilts by readers and the lessons. The first is usually very charming stories about multiple generation quilts or quilts by groups of friends. The other always has a technique I have never heard of or tried in the past.

This month they have added a new feature with an ad search for a fake ad. I used to love finding the fake ad in Games magazine and this ad search was just as fun. The fake ad was for Green Piece Foundation Paper. At first glance this is an ad for standard paper piecing paper with a 'green' twist. You print a pattern on the paper, sew on the lines, tear off the paper and you have a perfect quilt block. The fake part of this ad is that you end up with no trash because you eat the paper after you have torn it from the back of the block. That's right ... you eat it! The paper is made of seaweed and comes in various flavors like chocolate, sugar cookie and saltand-vinegar. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw it.

I won't tell you what page it is on but if you get this magazine or see it on the newstand, you can do your own search. My only problem with this ad is that I know someone is thinking this is a great idea. Would I buy chocolate flavored paper? Some days the answer is definitely yes but mostly I don't think this is a good idea... chocolate flavored seaweed paper ... yuck!

Have a good weekend!

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