While at the Quilt Festival I took a Sunday Morning class with Phillipa Naylor on 'Precision Piecing'. This may seem like an odd choice for me but once in a while I would like to make a block or two that is not completely wonky. Here is the block I produced while in her class:
As you may be able to see, this block has many challenges - lots of points to match up, lots of sizes of pieces and a couple of tricky piecing techniques. I thoroughly enjoyed her class as most of her advice reiterated things I already knew but rarey practice. Things like:
- Bear down hard on the rotary cutter when cutting out your pieces. You will not get a clean cut without significant pressure.
- Never let your rotary cutter get ahead of the hand holding down the ruler. If your rotary cutter gets ahead of your hand, the ruler will wobble.
- Press seams open when it will help your later piece work. When constructing squares from triangles, press the seams open to help match up points later on.
- Use your pins to help match points. I hate pinning but it really does help.
- Press, press, and press again. Boring yes, but pressing after each step does help with future work.
Just to show you how much I succeedded in my my block check out these matching points....
Now all I need is an idea on how to use this 'orphan' block. Any ideas?
Have a good weekend!
I think it would make a fun throw pillow!