Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Time Waster

I have often been accused of leading friends and family away fom serious work on the internet by providing too many distractions. Here are a couple of sites that I currently find fascinating:

Here is a wondeful site by a woman in India. As a great-grandmother, she has a lot to offer in the way of memories. The link sends you to her memories of a wonderful custom which combines dolls, sweets and visiting. I'd never heard of it before and I wish we had something like this here.

Here is another male adventure blog. This time the guy is heading off to Chili. He's only posted once, so far, as he is not leaving the States until November 13th but I think he's future entries should be interesting. Definitely a spot to watch.

Here is the perfect site for those of us who have yearned to live all over the world but never had the nerve (or the stomach) to do it. No great drama here, just a fascinating slice of life.


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