Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ovarian Cancer Quilts

Several local quilt shops have gathered together to produce quilts to be auctioned off in support of Ovarian Cancer research. This is the second year they are doing it. Last year they raised over $11,000.00 for M. D. Anderson' Ovarian Cancer reseach. It's really simple to participate - grab some of the teal fabric specially made for this effort (from Blank Textiles) , mix and match it with fabric from your stash and produce any number of 12 1/2" unfinished quilt blocks. Locally, the shops are planning to have all the blocks in by the end of the year with a big party in January to piece the tops. Once pieced, we will bring them home to quilt and bind so that they can be ready for the April, 2009 (or is it May?) on-line auction. Look at what was produced for the 2008 auction.

This is a great cause, close to every woman's heart and a great way to stretch your piecing skills without the quilt police on your back. The other day I came across the fabric I had purchased from Sunflower Quilts in Houston from back in JUNE of this year. Realizing that my plate is running over with projects to begin or complete I made the decision to go with my standard dimensional bow tie blocks. I had enough fabric for two of them and with the rest I pieced a plain four patch. Simple blocks but even the fanciest quilt needs a place to rest the eye, right?. Here's what I came up with:
If you have a moment and some teal fabric (doesn't have to be the ones from Blank) , please consider creating and donating your favorite block(s) to this effort. Then, like me, you can watch the auction to see how your efforts have contributed to a great cause.

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