Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Operation Care Package - Final Report

Well, our contribution to Operation Care Package, for the holiday packages they will be sending out, are on their way to Joliet, Illonois. The final tally was 125 stockings... a number I never thought we would reach. Here's how it all came together - Ms. M and I made the first 50 at our post-Ike sew-in, members of the KAQG at their retreat made 11 more, a friend of Ms. M. made 8, I made 6 out of some donated decorator fabric, 25 came from that ball of fire Ms. MJ., another 10 came from the serging maniac Ms. J and Ms. M. finished it all off with another 15. In addition, we added holiday cards with a little note in them to most of the stockings. Who knew we had so many leftover cards from previous seasons?

This all started as an idea to contribute to the effort and we ended up with contributing 1.25% of the needed 10,000. I hope there will be no need for this effort next year, but, if there is, I hope all that contributed this year will be able to help again. Two crazy ladies and their friends on a mission - together they moved a lot of fabric to bring some holiday cheer to our soldiers overseas.

If you would like to contribute to the effort without sewing anything visit their website for additional ideas.

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