Wednesday, October 22, 2008

In the Mail

The Bag Ladies Swap project for October is a Christmas Stocking. This is a complete departure from the usual swaps and I was truly looking forward to getting it done. Today I received my package from my partner. Along with a bunch of candy and freebies from an odd assortment of companies, I also got this little gem:

Side One
Side Two

I think this stocking highlights the good and the bad of working with old ties. The good part is all the wonderful fabrics and patterns in them.. Toni highlghted this by quilting the opened ties onto muslin before constructing the stocking. The bad part about working with ties is that it is hard to get the folds pressed out so that they stay out.

All in all , a very successful swap. My cotribution will be going out tomorrow. I wonder which little muchkin around here will be getting this filled with treats this Christmas?

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