Saturday, October 4, 2008

Challenges Update

Well I didn't win the blocks from the Christmas fabric. Twenty-one blocks were submitted including one strange Teepee block and one in my favorite easy block,,, a dimentsional bow-tie. I walked into a disaster with the batik blocks.... I made them the wrong size! The blocks I made were 9 1/2" square and, come to find out, they were supposed to be 6 1/2" square. YUCK! The old adage about measuring twice and cut once should be revised , for me at least, to read thrice, construct once. If I had kept the instructions, that would have been possible but I chucked them before I even started, confident that I could remember the dimensions.Oh well, I now have the beginnings of a cool looking nine-patch quilt for sometime this century.

Hope your weekend is going well. I'm off to finish a baby quilt and get it off to the baby before she enters college. Cross your fingers that my experiment in a fold-over binding is successful.

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