Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And shopping we did go ....

My shopping trip at Stein Mart resulted in the following loot -
Pretty good for about $100.00 even if I do say so myself.

Keeping with the theme of tough shopping I ended up at Chico's on Sunday looking for jeans. They have/had a sale going on with 50% off the lowest price marked on ticket. I ended up with jeans (perfect fit), two t-shirts, one jacket and a pair of chino's. All for under $90.00. The jacket looks way better on than in the picture and who can resist rust with fall coming on. Although they were all things that I could use and, in the case of jeans, needed, I must stop looking for deals out there. It doesn't take long for those $100.00 shopping trips to begin to add up.

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