Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What a Disappointment

Edouard was a complete bust! When I awoke yesterday he had already made landfal as a tropical storm. The eye of the storm passed over my neighborhood and I didn't even notice. Yes we had a lot of rain (1.25 inches) and strong winds (30 mph gusts) but neither were really exciting. My car got covered in pine needles and the bird bath overflowed but otherwise it was a pretty boring storm. I must admit that I spent most of the day watching the local stations try to out-do each other with storm impacts. There just wasn't that much to report. I am glad the dogs weren't here as they would have been spooked by the dark skies. Alex really doesn't mind the rain but the girls really hate getting wet.

Since we still need rain I hope we get several more of this type of storm before hurricane season is over. No hurricanes, just a lot of rain and wind for a day or so.

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