Operation Care Package is a group based in Joliet that sends thousands of care packages on a weekly basis to our troops overseas. I heard through the e-mail grapevine that they are in the unusual position of having lots of stuff to put into holiday packages but are short on holiday stockings. They are trying to accumulate 10,000 (yes, that's TEN THOUSAND) simple stockings to pack for our troops for the 2008 holiday season.
The requirements are really, really simple - fourteen inches tall with a seven inch opening in the top. No cuffs, no lining, nothing fancy, no specific themes needed. The website for the group is here but I did not see any information there on this particular project. For some ideas on the types of stockings possible you can check out pictures (with informative comments by Barb, the owner of the site.) here from last year's effort. There is one requirement - the group needs the stockings by October 30th.
I know I have some weird winter themed fabrics hanging out here as well as some orphan quilt blocks that could be put to good use for this project. I even have some home dec fabrics that would make good stockings. And what about the old juenile embroideries I have sitting around? The possibilities are endless.
If you would like to participate I have Brab's e-mail address that I can send on if you would let me know in a comment.
Now I am off to make myself a pattern while watching some really, really long track race.
This is a great project and I'd like to help if you'd please share her email address with me.