Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday Sharing

I had the priveliedge of particiating in the 8th annual Interfaith Quilting Bee in Kingwood today. It was originally sponsored by the Interfaith Hospitality Network here. The network was a consortium of churches that assisted specific families in times of need. The Network was disolved but the day remains. Today the Bee is hosted by the local Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints and what a great job they did.

The idea is that quilting groups from many faith and non-faith based organizations gather once a year to finish off quilts made throughout the year. Most of the quilts were already completed when we gathered at 9:00 AM . By noon there were about about 500 quilts ready to be given to half a dozen local organizations. Some were simple quilts made from two pieces of fabric surrounding a piece of batting. Others were complex pieced quilts that probably took many many hours to complete. Participants ranged from young girls to great-grandmothers, from people who had never quilted before to those who can quilt in their sleep. The organizations represented included local quilt guilds and many churches. There was even a group of Hindu women participating!

The neatest thing was that as quilts were completed they were draped over the seats in the assembly hall. What a wonderful site! Here is a link to a blog talking about this year's Bee and pictures of last year's. One question came up among some of the women. What if you did not agree with the organization that was getting the quilts? My response is that I am not supporting the organization but the people that get the quilts.

If your area has a similar function, please make some time to participate. You will have a great time, meet new people and come away with a real sense of inclusion in a good cause.

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