Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Good Things

This morning I was trying to find the right cord to charge my phone. I found four that looked alike but only one was the right one. The zipper pouch I made to wrangle my cords has only made the search for the right cord even more problematical than before. Then the light bulb went off in my head. How about I make my own cord identifiers. And here is what I came up with:
I used some old half inch wide twill tape about thirty inches long and some black velcro. I cut the velcro into three inch pieces and sewed them down onto the twill tape. I sewed the velcro train fashion - a piece of soft velcro then a rough side then a soft side etc. until I ran out of twill tape. I then zigzagged each end of the velcro bits and cut it all apart into five units. Each unit has six inches of twill tape with two pieces of velcro. I used a Sharpie to write the name of the cord being organized right on the tape. Now I can bundle up the cords and secure them with the velcro. While I am using the cord I will keep the holder velcroed on the cord until it is time to pack it back up again.

Time spent - twenty minutes tops

Pretty good return for the time spent .


  1. Hi Alice. What a great idea that is.

  2. This is a truly clever and practical idea well worth doing. I'm going to try it myself on my cord tangle under the desk. Every time the carpet cleaners come, I have to unplug all my electronics and then have a heck of a time remembering what goes where.
