Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indiana Jones #4

This afternoon a friend and I went to the movie 'Indiana Jones and the City of the Crystal Skull'. I am so glad I went because I don't have to feel deprived about not seeing it. It was not as good as my expectations but it was definitely worth the $7.25 it cost to get in ... excluding the popcorn that is!

The plot is a little convoluted and the movie had several continuity issues (as all these movies do) but it was good to Harrison Ford as the goofball man of action character that he plays so well. It was a little disconcerting to see a man of his age doing some pretty athletic stunts. My knees were aching by the time the movie was over. This may be a movie that I would go and see again with a larger, more diverse audience because I think audience reactions really can enhance this kind of movie.

For those of you keeping track, I did not do another survey of male versus female weight issues as the lights were down by the time we made it to our seats. Next on my list for summer viewing ... Hancock.

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