Friday, May 16, 2008

Finny and Donk's Sewing Adventure - May & June

Well, the sewing adverture continues. The project we are working on next is a simple wrap skirt. Yup, that's right a skirt, without a pre-printed pattern. I gasped when I saw the choice but realized that after my guerilla sewing adventure with the Seams Possible challenge, I could do this. Things have gone from 'defnitely doable' to 'completely laughable' in a few short days.

My measurements are a tad different from the ones used to constrict the skirt in the book but there were no instructions on how to adjust the suggested size. Taking my pencil and tape measure I determined that I would need to make a skirt that with a waistband that would be my waist size plus four inches for ease. Starting from there I then drafted the pattern with the shape of the original design. Though the project looks pretty good it wraps around me significantly more than the original intent by about EIGHT INCHES. Only after I tried it on the first time did I discover that I should have added only about one to two inches to get the right waistband size. Measure twice and twice more and re-check the additional ease twice more again is a lesson I never seem to learn.

Fortunately the fabric I used was a black linen/cotton blend so the extra over lap is as noticeable as it would have been with a lighter weight/color fabric. I embroidered a bunch of flowers on it with a pink varigated thread and I think it looks pretty good from a distance. The waistband and ties, in the instrctions, called for three inch wide satin ribbon. I went to the fabric store and discovered that three inch wide ribbon is kinda pricey but that satin blanket binding, prepackaged from Wrights, is the perfect size, prefolded, inexpensive and comes in great colors to boot.

I will be re-drafting my 'pattern' to incorporate the lessons I have learned. Since I do like skirts, especially wrap skirts with a significant overlap, I forsee several in my closet once I get the fit right. Anyway, here's my first attempt at the wrap skirt project. Please don't chuckle too loudly!

Have a great weekend!

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