Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Alex and the Duck

Today, Laura's Fabrics and Gifts was having a big sale of their current inventory. I met up with a friend there and made a few fabric purchases. It was hard to decide what to get as Laura has great prices under normal circumstances but at 40 - 75% off, it was a challenge to make a choice. She was also selling off some of her gift inventory at 75% off. I saw a really cute stuffed duck all dressed up for an afternoon at the pool with sun glasses and a life ring. For $2.00 I thought it was worth buying for Alex as a gift. Herein lies the tale.

I arrived home at 1:50 PM CDT and let Alex out into the back yard. After a couple of minutes of making sure that no-one had been in the yard while he had been locked in the house, he came inside to check out my shopping bag. For some reason he figured out that the top item in the bag was a toy for him. Before I could grab the duck for a picture, he grabbed the duck and ran outside. I tried to get it back but he wouldn't let me near him.
By 2:20 PM CDT, this is what remained of the duck:
By 2:30 PM CDT he had abandoned the duck and started in on his sqeaky tennis balls again. Ah, the ficklness of youth!

1 comment:

  1. So doxies do the same rip up the toy and pull out the stuffings type of play that Jack Russells do, I see from your photos. That's what toys at my house usually look like. At least Alex had fun.
