Saturday, April 19, 2008

Qult Auction

Last night was the bi-annual Kingwood Area Quilt Guild Auction. What an impressive array of quilts and other goodies! I left a little early to spend some time with Alex but before I left I got to see Aggie madness up close and personal. There was one bed sized quilt made out of Texas A & M fabrics and two male alumni bid against each other until it got up to $1,400.00! I haven't heard about the final tally but it must have been impressive.

The last thing I need is another quilt so I ended up bidding on several silent auction items. One item that I did win was a basket of 'male' oriented items like a universal remote control, a light-up mouse pad and a solar calculator. What the description did not reveal is that most of the items were Chevron promo items. This basket did include a gift certificate for a free oil change so I really did do well. I think what really bugged me about this basket of goodies is that I have been purging myself of BIG BANK labeled items so now I will need to purge myself of BIG OIL labeled items. I did win another basket of items that included a bunch of stinky candles, a large red and white fabric storage box, three red and white tea towels and a red neck support pillow for sleeping while flying. What I really liked in the assortment was a cute lady bug votive candle holder which I promptly broke while unpackaging the assortment. C'est la Vie!

Anyway, I usually go to these things with a set budget in mind and ended up under-spending ... this time. I guess that means I will be able to over-spend on silent auction items at the Hula for the Hounds event tomorrow. Is that serendipity or what?

BTW Alex continues to recover and today we actually made it a couple of houses further along the path to where the attack occured. One of the men who helped us was mowing his lawn and stopped to say hello. Alex became a little crazed and wouldn't stop barking. He was obviously very upset but couldn't seem to match his fierce barking to his friendly tail wagging. He was not agressive and kept himself firmly between my feet or at my side. He did stop barking when we headed home and is happily snoring next to me as I write this post. I think I'll wait a few days and try the same distance again. Every day he becomes a little more like the old Alex though it breaks my heart to see him so frightened. A woman I know said it took her dog six weeks to return to its old self after a similar incident ... I am counting the days!

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