Monday, March 24, 2008

Weekend Project #1 - Cancer Caps

As I mentioned on Friday, I received a box of fabric and kits for making cancer caps. My goal was to finish up the pre-cut kits and, maybe, cut into some of the yardage we had gathered for additional caps. After digging through the box I found three kits, 15 completed caps and tons of yardage. Once I separated out the yardage that probably wouldn't work, as in very little stretch or stretch in only one direction, I tackled one of the kits. I made the first one on my serger and was astounded that it took all of of ten minutes to complete. Then I got on a roll and in the end completed 35 additional caps. Here is what 35 of these caps look like all piled together:
This is the simplest charity sewing project I have ever completed. Basically the caps are made up of one 17" x 22" piece of fabric plus two circles of fabric 7" in diameter (that's the measurement taken from one side to the other straight through the middle, which also happens to be the size of my bread and butter plates). Sew together the 17" sides, fold the 22" sides together to form a tube with the wrong sides of the fabric together. With the circles wrong sides together, attach them to the 22" raw edges and you are done. Flip the whole thing so that the sewn edge around the circles is to the inside, fold a little cuff, add a fancy pin if you have one and you are done.

The measurements are approximate as some of the slippery fabric was very hard to cut accurately. Since I was using my serger, I tended to err on the side of more length rather than less, so that the serger could clean up the seams to the right size. I went looking for pins in my jewellry box that I could use as decorations and only found two that don't have a specific use already. I think I'll drop by one of the big discount stores or local thrift stores later on this afternoon to see if I can find some inexpensive pins for these caps.

Tomorrow - Weekend Project #2 - crash stash diet - stay tuned!

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