Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Not So Stinky Alex

My boy seems to be over whatever was causing his intestinal distress. The girls did not seem to mind his stinkiness but it forced me out of my bedroom the other night. He is back to thinking he is the leader of ths pack and trying to eat everything in sight. Next time I will know to give him Pepcid, very tiny meals and not to worry as much. Maybe if I started earlier he may not have gotten so bunged up.

Antartic Diary

The last post has occured on one of the most facinating blogs out there. He should be home by now and I will miss his regular updates on what it is like winterng over in the Antarctic. His penquin photos will also be sorely missed. I doubt I will run across another like it in my random hitting of the next blog button but will continue to try.

Finny and Donk's Sewing Adventure

The next project is the pintucked pillow. I am looking forward to this project because I think it requires straight line sewing for the right effect and I am not known for my long straight sewing. Since I haven't used a twin needle in quite a while or my pin-tuck foot ever, this should be quite an adventure.


I am only in one swap right now and that is for a wristlet bag through the Bag Ladies Flickr group. I have seen many versions of wristlets (small handbag that can hang off your wrist) and I am looking forward to making one up that suits my partner. With the amount of great stash fabrics and embroideries I have here I am sure I can come up with something.


I have previously written about the challenge one of the neighborhood groups I belong to is posing this year. The elements to be incorporated into my piece are inspiration from the Sergeant York movie, the color to be dusty rose and the stitch to be a highlighted is a satin step stitch. I napped through their meeting the other day and as a penance I started on my project. The fabric I am using is a rose, green and beige cotton plaid that is embroidered with flowers and stitched all over with elastic thread. My concept (a la Carol Watson's guerilla style garment making ideas) is to pleat the fabric at the waist, so only one of two colors of the plaid show, and then to make it all into a dress. I am not sure if it will be a successful garment but I am having fun stitching the pleats. The color and stitch are right on target, the link to Sergeant York is a little tenuous but I am sure I can come up with a plausible story.

Site Update

After many tries I now have a background to the blog header (silk from Carol Lane Saber Workshop) and have cleaned up the sidebar. I really must keep my house cleaning more regular or this blog will get even messier.

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