Sunday, March 9, 2008

KAQG Auction Donation

The Kingwood Area Quilt Guild (KAQG) has a bi-annual auction of handcrafted quilts and related items. I am a member of their wearables group and we committed to making purses for the auction. I hand a brain storm the other day when I saw a cute purse on Betz White's blog made out a felted sweater. I thought about a white angora sweater I picked up in Canada as a perfect base for this type of handbag when combined with a machine embroidery design I have. Here's what it looks like: Mine is taller than Betz's by about 2" and the embroidery is the the focal point rather than the felted embellishments Betz used. The bright pink interior and the pink ribbon trim are both from the stash.

It's the perfect size for a little girl on Easter Sunday or for anyone during an Easter Egg Hunt.

Unfortunately the auction will not occur until after Easter. For some reason I kept thinking that Easter was April 23rd and not the real date of March 23rd. Heck we are already in Lent. If Easter Sunday was late in April, there would be many miserable people out there suffering through all the things they have given up. I will add this to my stash of kids stuff without a known recipient....unless one of you would like it? If you do, let me know and I'll pass it along (before the real Easter).

Scratch one project and find another fast. If all else fails, I will donate a bag I made, but have not used, from the 'Velma' Amy Butler pattern. Now if I could only find where I stashed it I would be all set!


  1. That is SOOOOOO cute. I was reading the post thinking how much my almost 4-year old daughter would love it and then it felt like Christmas when you asked if anyone would like it - ME ME ME!!!!! Oh, I love the pink ribbon accent trim - and the hot pink lining! AND we are going on an Easter egg hunt with her the day before Easter! That would be PERFECT!

  2. Lisa - its yours. I sent a message to your blog for mailing info - Enjoy!

  3. Thank you again - I'm so excited!

  4. That's gorgeous, the pink ribbon on the handle looks like bunny ears to me. I see a very happy little girl in mamalife's future!
