Friday, February 8, 2008

Shibori Fun

Thursday, the Kingwood ASG neighborhood group was priviledged to have Carol Lane Saber come and introduce us to the mysteries of Shibori dying on silk. Carol is an extremely entertaining presenter and showed us a number of examples of each shibori dying style. We were given some basic kits and spent a couple of hours playing with different techniques . I think everyone had a good time, I know I did, as there is nothing better than playing with new materials without a specific project in mind. My work turned out a little like hippie tie-dying but I can see the techniques I was in-expertly trying to duplicate and will start combing the stash for other appropriate materials to experiment in a more controlled manner.
The blue/green silk piece on the bottom was tied with thread and string then scrunched over a plastic cup and painted with a paint brush loaded with dye. The pink/blue chiffon was folded on the bias many times into a little square, secured with rubber bands and the corners dipped into the dyes, one after the other. The yellow/green silk was tied with string into multiple little peaks. The peaks were dipped in the green and the untied edges were dipped in the yellow. The dyes that we used were by Colorhue Dyes and are instant set ... that is, if the dyes get on something protein based, the result is permanent. Fortunately I had on my overall apron so my clothes remained un-dyed. My hands, however, just couldn't keep on the disposable gloves in the kit and I came away with some interesting colors under my nails. I figure it will take another 30 or 40 washings to get the rest of the dye worn off of my nails.
Thank you Carol for reminding me how much fun it is to play.

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