Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Thing?

Here's what happened...

I was in a small traffic jam after dark, driving to meet someone for dinner. My cel phone rings. On answering, the caller who I was driving to meet, says thay can recognize my hair anywhere and that they were right behind me in the traffic.

Is this a good thing?

Was it the glow-in-the-dark silver color that shines so brightly when lit in someone's headlamps?

Was it that my style hasn't changed in so long that its now a recognizable vintage?

Was it that I have a unique and glorious coiffure to match my glorious and unique personal style?

I like that... glorious and unique... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Have a good week!


  1. "recognizable vintage" -- love it!

    Jennifer H

  2. I'm sure it is glorious and unique and that why it was so recognizable. I did have someone say that something they saw at the store was my style. They didn't buy it for me though, so I'm not sure what they thought my style was.
    Your bag in the previous post is gorgeous. I just love the fabric!
