Friday, February 22, 2008

Four Seasons Quilt Swap

The Four Seasons Quilt Swap that I have been participating in has put out the call for those who wish to participate in the Spring Swap. Here is the link to the sign-up information. Although some of the submissions may seem a little lame, I have had a chance to recieve two great little quilts and to experiment with two other techniques. My inspiration for the Spring quilt is based on a haiku I came across in a mystery novel during my recent downtime. I wish I could remember the name of the book/author because who knew a hero could be a great big hunky guy who translated haiku for relaxation.

Speechless before
these budding green spring leaves
in blazing sunlight.


I Googled Basho and was reminded again that haiku translation is more of an art than a science with one site having 30 different translations of the same verse about a frog. I hope the vision that I have about this quilt will meet my expectations on trying another quilt technique within the confines of the swap .

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