Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One night project

The other night I decided to dig into the Craft Leftovers December project - fingerless mittens. I am getting the monthly project mailings from Kristen as a thank you for sending her a spare sewing machine I had when her original sewng machine bit the dust. It was a very easy project. She sent exactly the right amount of a wonderful black wool in the kit as I only had about 3 or 4 yards left over. I really don't get the need for fingerless mittens but if you do, this is a great project. If you go to her Etsy shop you can see her other kits as I believe this one is sold out. She also sells hand dyed yarn in some yummy colors here. Here is how one of these mittens turned out:
It took only one night of TV movie watching to get them done as all you are doing is knitting a rectangle with exactly one increase in the whole thing. You seam it up with single crochets but I bet a regular whip stitch with the yarn would be just as effective.

I wonder how small they would get if I felted them? Hmmmm.

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