Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

I got through six UFOs (UnFinished Objects) in the final days of 2007 but that is enough for me to start 2008 with a new resolve to clear out those pesky projects that are in limbo. Heck, if I cleared t one or two every month I'll be able to see more surfaces in mysewing area... well, one can hope!

The NYE (New Year's Eve) mystery fiasco has ended for me. I took the bits and pieces that I had cut and/or sewed and made a little lap quilt/foot cozy/wall quilt. Its about 35" square, uses fusible batting as the filler and is stipple quilted in a random pattern. The binding is really just a bunch of litte bits folded over the edges and zig-zagged on with invisible thread. The funniest part about all this is that you cannot see anything of the design that was supposed to be the quilt. I dare you to find a heart block surrounded by an Irish Chain in the mess I have produced. Anyway, here is the quilt... still in progress for quilting and binding but it will be done before I go to bed tonight.

Best part about this whole exercise is that my younger brother called me just as I was coming to the conclusion that my quilt would not work and asked me to send it to him when I get it done. That sounds like a dare to me so he better be watching his mail box as this will definitely be coming to him in the next week or so. After all, I don't need another reminder of plans that have gone awry as I already have many examples!

PS - I have a photo of my dust cover class notes posted down in the original post.

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