Saturday, December 8, 2007

Off the Road

I'm back in the land of the living... actually I've been back a couple of days but I seem to be spending most of my time sleeping. I did go to two different neighborhood group Holiday parties and came home with some good loot. I hope I gave as good as I got as I went stash shopping for my contributions. I will try to update this blog a bit more regularly now that I am connected again.

While I was away I attended a church bazaar where some of my Dad's things were being sold. While there I picked up a new dog toy. Its a long multi-stranded multi-colored rope, twisted into a figure eight with a bone in the middle. Alex has decided its his forever and has been trotting around the yard and the house with it in his mouth. He seems to think that I want it and when he sees me he immeadiately starts trotting away with it. The problem with it as a toy is that it is too big to make it through the doggy door without some clever manipulation and it really is heavy for such a little dog.

Here are the dogs playing follow the leader when I stepped into the yard..
Then Alex spots me and runs to find where he has hidden the new toy to keep it from me.

And here he is trying to keep it from me... let's try right... or left
The girls know this is all nonsense and just loll around the yard begging for belly rubs.
Do you think I missed them while I was away?

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