I think its time that I give you some more sites that are a lot of fun.
First up - Perpetual Kid at http://www.perpetualkid.com/index.asp?pageaction= some of the items offered for sale are bandaids with fake tattoos on them, fake tattoos for the eldery and gingerbread men cookie cutters wth parts missing. A little twisted, I admit, but a lot of fun none the less.
Sew, Mama, Sew is posting tutorials available on the web all this month. There really is a lot of stuff out there ... even things that I have no interest in ever making like felt donuts or recycling a bath mat. Check it out at http://www.sewmamasew.com/blog2/.
Another site, by a fellow Kngwood resident, has the most beautiful and simple things for making or just admiring. Check out A Little Hut at http://alittlehut.blogspot.com/.
And have you seen the latest Penguin pictures at Antarctic diary (http://antarctic-diary.blogspot.com/)?
Don't forget the funniest blog in the internet - http://bitsandpieces1.blogspot.com/ just remember that it is not for kids as some of the material is definitely for adults only.
Thanks for the kind words about Bits & Pieces. "Funniest blog on the internet".... that's pretty hard to live up to, but I do appreciate your comments.