Saturday, October 20, 2007

Breast Cancer Month Projects

Many of us are always looking for ways to use our skills to help others. Here are two fast and easy projects for those recovering from breast cancer.

The first is a pouch to help someone who has had breast surgery or during radiation treatments, to keep their arm away from their side. Here is the pattern. - I made four about a month ago and I'd estimate that it took me about 15 mintues for each bag from raw fabric to finished piece. I must admit that there is one craft item I do not have... fiberfil. Although I have been in crafty stores many times since making my initial four pouches, I still have not picked up a bag of fiberfill, so they remain incomplete.

The second project I saw is a knitted breast prosthesis. An unexpected project, created by a dynamic breast cancer survivor... even if you don't knit her commentary is delightful. The link is -

I am sure there are many more projects out there and every cancer center has suggested projects but I think both of these are rather unique and will meet the needs of many breast cancer patients.

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